

Learn about our mission to create modern and sustainable spaces. We specialise in designing homes and offices that harmoniously combine aesthetics with functionality. We take care of every detail to ensure that our properties are not only beautiful, but also practical and energy efficient.

When we started our journey as a property developer 10 years ago, we had one ambitious goal: we dreamt of homes that would be affordable and at the same time made of quality materials that would guarantee durability for years to come. After a decade, we are confident that we have succeeded: we have proven that, starting from scratch, it is possible to create a company that cares about its customers and provides them with a vision of a peaceful and secure life. We have only succeeded because we respect the views of local communities. We operate locally, talking to people to understand how they live and what is important to them. This approach means that, despite so many years of operating, we are alien to the usual patterns of operation.

Success in business is about more than financial performance. For us, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is not just part of our mission, but the foundation on which we base our business strategy. Our activities go beyond our responsibilities as a developer - we engage with the community and care for the environment in which we live and work.

We order materials from trusted Polish manufacturers with whom we have cooperated for many years. We pay attention to quality, energy efficiency and ecology, thanks to which our houses are comfortable to use. Each day spent inside them will strengthen your conviction that it was an excellent decision.

Oferujemy naszym klientom nie tylko wysokiej jakości domy, ale także dodatkowe korzyści. Dzięki współpracy z zaufanymi partnerami, każdy nasz klient może skorzystać z wyjątkowych rabatów na zakupy u naszych partnerów. Dbamy o to, aby proces zakupu domu był przyjemny i korzystny na każdym etapie, dlatego wybieramy firmy, które dostarczają produkty i usługi wspierające komfort oraz wyposażenie nowych domów.

We are proud that our company is a member of the "Safe Purchase" programme under the auspices of the Polish Association of Developer Companies. Participation in this prestigious programme confirms our credibility and commitment to providing the highest quality services.

For our clients, this means a guarantee of transparency, adherence to the highest standards and security of transactions. By choosing our company, you can be sure that you are investing in a property realised in accordance with the best market practices and applicable laws.

Information brochure



Julia Bogurska

construction engineer

Hanna Brygier

marketing & PR

Cyprian Dziecichowicz

construction engineer

Michał Grośkiewicz

project manager

Agnieszka Jałoszyńska

sales office manager

Marcin Obst

site manager

Marta Stawska

junior accountant

Marcin Wisniewski

junior sales specialist

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Agnieszka Jałoszyńska

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